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Board of Directors

“For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:4-5

The following people serve as leaders of Zion’s various boards, for 2021-2022.

Todd Holen, Congregational President

  • Conducts Voters’ meetings and Board of Directors meetings
  • Ensures that all Boards and Committees are carrying out their functions and responsibilities

Congregational Vice President

  • Chairs annual review of finances, handbook, and Nominating Committee

Hanne Burke, Congregational Secretary

  • Records and publishes minutes of Voters’ meetings and Board of Directors meetings

Jill Eisenbraun, Board of Finance

  • Oversees church income and expenditures
  • Tracks annual budget
  • Coordinates weekly counters

Mark Noteboom, Board of Christian Education

  • Supervises church education program including Sunday School, Day School, Preschool, Daycare, Youth and Adult Bible Classes, and Vacation Bible School
  • Encourages professional growth of educational staff
  • Reviews curriculum and materials
  • Leads monthly Board of Christian Education meetings

 Dennis Lively, Board of Lay Ministry

  • Contacts, visits, and prays with members who are inactive, ill, homebound, and/or hospitalized
  • Regularly supports and builds up the Pastoral Staff
  • Ensures that tasks necessary for a seamless worship service (slide projector, sound board, video production, acolytes, etc.) are covered
  • Assists in aspects of worship (Scripture readers, assist with Holy Communion, etc.)

Azure Summers, Board of Discipleship

  • Fosters a climate of evangelism that encourages the congregation to share Christ with one another, the inactive, and the unsaved
  • Responsible for follow-up and contact with first-time visitors
  • Organizes events geared toward evangelism and witness throughout the community
  • Initiates and supports programs that promote good stewardship attitudes in members of the congregation, in regard to sharing their time, talents, and treasures

Jeff Summers, Board of Trustees

  • Maintains church property, equipment, and grounds
  • Enlists work crews for special projects such as repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating, landscaping, etc.

Jessica Ulmer, Board of Youth Ministry

  • Encourages and provides opportunities for the youth of the congregation in the work of Christ
  • Promotes Christian fellowship for and among the young people of the congregation
  • Assists the Youth Development Leader with projects and events

Members at Large

  • General contact people for the Congregation
  • Bring information, concerns and praises to attention of the Board of Directors, including their own observations and observations/questions brought to them by members and visitors

Lorri Fetzer

Joel Palmreuter