Season of Lent Worship Schedule (Website Banner size) (4)
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“So that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for oneanother. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all themembers rejoice with it.” 1 Corinthians12:25-26

We are only successful as a church body when our members share their God-given talents and time. Zion has many opportunities to serve on boards in various capacities. If you are interested in joining a board or have any questions, please contact the Congregation President or the Director of any of the Boards.

Board of Finance

The Board of Finance shall consist of at least three (3) members and shall represent the congregation in all financial matters.

The Board Shall:

  1. Develop financial policies and ensure those policies are carried out, reporting any irregularities or concerns to the Board of Directors.
  2. Ensure Board or committee members are bonded as needed.
  3. Keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, including payroll and mortgage payments.
  4. Direct the approval/disapproval of all purchase requests.
  5. Ensure appropriate handling of estate funds, memorials, and special contributions.
  6. Appoint, train and schedule members of the counter committee.
  7. Inform the congregation regarding the church financial status as needed.
  8. Submit a detailed monthly financial report to the Board of Directors.
  9. Develop and resent the annual budget to the congregation.
  10. Manage the bookkeeper’s position.

Board of Lay Ministry

The Board of Lay Ministry shall consist of at least fifteen (15) members who are involved in regular prayer, Bible study, and worship. They shall support the pastors in their proclamation of the Good News.

The Board Shall:

Care For The Pastors

  1. Provide for the spiritual, emotional, and physical health and welfare of the pastor(s) and their families.
  2. Encourage the professional growth of the pastoral staff through conferences, conventions, and continuing education.
  3. Formulate job descriptions for the pastor(s) and conduct regular evaluations of pastors.
  4. Pray with the clergy before each worship service.

Love The People

  1. Assign Board members across the many church boards and encourage them to joyfully serve as shepherds to the congregation.
  2. Cultivate peace, love, and harmony within the congregation.
  3. Contact, visit, support, and pray with members, especially those who have specific needs.
  4. Establish and maintain regular communication with all church members.
  5. Meet regularly with the pastor(s) to plan develop, and improve programs to encourage the ongoing spiritual growth of the congregation.

Support Word and Sacrament Ministry – Worship

  1. Ensure that the Word of God is preached and taught in its truth and purity in accord with the Lutheran Confessions.
  2. Foster good order in public worship services and render assistance as deemed necessary (with Scripture readings, sacraments, confirmation, funerals, etc.)
  3. Encourage, support, and assist the Altar Guild, music ministry, ushers, and acolytes.
  4. Annually review and establish, under the pastors’ leadership, the nature, number, schedule, and conduct of the congregation’s worship services.

Conduct Board Business

  1. Be guided by Article I of the By-Laws regarding “Membership of the Congregation”.
  2. Provide annual budget recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  3. Provide a monthly written report of activities to the Board of Directors.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least nine (9) members and shall be responsible for the physical properties of the congregation.

The Board Shall:

  1. Make an annual inspection of the church property, equipment, and grounds at the time of budget preparation.
  2. Conduct an annual inventory of property, furnishings, and equipment.
  3. Carry out all resolutions of the Board of Directors concerning purchase, repairs, improvements, or replacement of property and/or equipment.
  4. Determine and appoint, with Board of Directors’ approval, adequate custodial help.
  5. Meet periodically with custodial staff to discuss the care of buildings and grounds, needs and problems in custodial service.
  6. Prepare and maintain a detailed list of required daily, weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance of the facilities, equipment, and grounds.
  7. Determine, establish, and enforce, with  Board of Directors’ approval, policies governing the use of church property and equipment.
  8. Recommend, supervise, and maintain  adequate storage facilities for church property.
  9. Annually check the adequacy of all types of insurance for church property and equipment and negotiate insurance contracts as needed.
  10. Check all property twice a year for fire hazards.
  11. Enlist work crews for special projects such as repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating, landscaping, etc., as needed.
  12. Arrange for repairs as needed, according to available budget, and respond immediately when emergency or urgent repairs are needed.
  13. Obtain legal counsel necessary for the wise consideration of contracts, deeds, and similar documents for the congregation.
  14. Negotiate service contracts for office equipment, organ, piano, and other school, office and church equipment, as needed.
  15. Make an annual inventory of official documents for safekeeping.
  16. Ensure volunteers are scheduled for set-up and removal of chairs for worship services.
  17. Provide annual budget requirements to the Board of Directors.
  18. Provide a monthly written report to the Board of Directors.

Board of Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education shall consist of at least nine (9) members, including the Chairperson. Voting membership goal is to have at least four (4) members being parents of enrolled Zion School students. The Board shall plan and administer the total educational ministry of the church and school. Members shall serve the Lord in the tradition of the Church by (1) having a personal relationship with Jesus as Savior through Worship, God’s Word, and the Sacraments; (2) connecting with God and each other through the study of His Word, fellowship, and prayer; and (3) showing Christ’s love through giving of our time and talents in our Church and School, the community, and the world.

The Board Shall:

  1. Establish objectives, set policies for, and supervise the total program of education in the Church to include Sunday school, day school, pre-school, day care, youth and adult Bible classes, and Vacation Bible School.
  2. Provide for the spiritual, emotional, and physical health and welfare of the school administrator, teachers, and preschool staff and their families and, to that end, conduct annual reviews with all school staff members.
  3. Encourage the professional growth of the educational staff through conferences, conventions, continuing education, etc.
  4. Formulate job descriptions for the school administrator and together with the administrator, formulate job descriptions for all teachers, the preschool director, and the secretary.
  5. Annually review current curriculum according to the curriculum update schedule, and upgrade textbooks and workbooks as needed.
  6. Annually review federal, state, and private accreditation requirements based on the school administrator reports.
  7. Supervise all auxiliary organizations of the school, such as Parent-Teacher League. The administrator will serve as the organizational representative to the Board.
  8. The Board will collectively, or may delegate appropriate individual(s), to enlist, train, place, and continue to train lay teachers and leaders as the school’s needs require.
  9. Encourage increasing participation of every congregational member in Bible studies, whether privately or in formal or informal groups.
  10. Annually review tuition rates and, when necessary, recommend changes in tuition rates to the Board of Directors.
  11. Annually review childcare rates in accordance with the cost of operating daycare before school, after school, and summer daycare and, when necessary, recommend rate changes to the Board of Directors.
  12. Annually review preschool care rate and, when necessary, recommend to the Board of Directors rate changes for preschool care in accordance with the cost of operating the preschool.
  13. Encourage sister LCMS congregations in the community to enroll their children in  Zion Lutheran School and thereby support the ministry of the school.
  14. Provide annual non-compensatory budget requirements to the Board of Directors.
  15. Provide a monthly written report of activities to the Board of Directors.
  16. Recommend new called or contracted teachers to the Board of Directors and to the congregation.

* Additional Duties are outlined in the Board of Education Handbook

Board of Discipleship
(Combination of Board of Outreach and Board of Stewardship)

The Board of Discipleship, consisting of at least five (5) members, will promote Zion’s mission statement of Knowing Jesus, Growing in Faith and Serving with Love in the following ways:

I. Knowing Jesus:

  1. Promote understanding and education of proper Christian discipleship.
    a. Our first fruits of time, talent and treasure flows out of worship, praise and a spirit of servanthood.

II. Growing in Faith:

  1. Promote fellowship among current members and connect new members through community Bible study in Sunday school, youth group and other regular fellowship gatherings among members.
  2. Encourage personal Bible study habits pointing members to serve in love.
  3. Help facilitate new member reception, orientation and integration into our congregation.
  4. Recruit, schedule and assist congregation members to serve as Worship Service Greeters.

III. Serving with Love:

  1. Foster Christ’s mission by going out into the community and world inviting those outside to find their part in God’s kingdom.
  2. Foster a climate of evangelism that encourages congregation members to witness to the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as He gives opportunity.
  3. Seek and promote opportunities for the congregation members to participate in discipleship events and mission trips within our community, state and beyond. The board will coordinate at least one all-ages servant event each quarter.
  4. Reach out to visitors who attend worship and provide contact information, and pass on this information to the Pastors.
  5. When requested, review and make recommendations regarding suggestions by the Evangelism Departments of the Synod, South Dakota District and/or the Black Hills Circuit.

Operational Duties

  1. Order & distribute offering envelopes
  2. Stewardship Awareness for current and new members of all ages
  3. Provide annual budget to Board of Directors
  4. Provide monthly report to Board of Directors

Board of Youth Ministry

The Board of Youth Ministry shall consist of at least seven (7) adult members and four (4) youth (non-voting) members (2 junior and 2 senior youth). The four youth members will be  elected by the youth and the Youth Development Leader. The board is responsible for guiding the youth in their spiritual growth.

The Board Shall:

  1. Involve the young people of the congregation in the work of Christ.
  2. Provide for their spiritual growth and nurture through Bible Study, prayer, genuine Christian fellowship, and Christian service to others.
  3. Promote attendance and involvement of the entire congregation’s youth at all youth activities.
  4. Assist the Youth Development Leader in the selection and training of youth and adult leaders for the youth program.
  5. Assist the Youth Development Leader in planning and coordinating activities for the youth of the congregation.
  6. Assist the Youth Development Leader in planning and coordinating activities for Zion youth with other youth groups outside the congregation, particularly with other LCMS youth groups at various levels. (Circuit, District, Synodical).
  7. Assist the Youth Development Leader in planning and coordinating fundraisers for the youth of Zion Lutheran.
  8. Supervise the legal and medical/health responsibilities of the youth ministry program.
  9. Provide annual budget requirements to the Board of Directors.
  10. Provide a monthly written report of activities to the Board of Directors.