Season of Lent Worship Schedule (Website Banner size) (4)
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Children’s Ministry

Zion has Ministries available for your children from Preschool age through 5th Grade!

Sunday School

Sundays 9:30-10:30 AM
3 years – 5th Grade
(No Sunday School May 28th – September 5)

Sunday School is taught 9:30-10:30 AM each Sunday during the school year for children from Preschool age (3 years old minimum) through Fifth Grade students.  Each Sunday School class includes a story from God’s word, music and an activity. 

Vacation Bible School

Early June M-F 9AM – Noon
Preschool – 5th Grade

Vacation Bible School is held each year for one week in early June.  Zion’s VBS week runs Monday through Friday from 9 AM-12 PM each day. We invite all children from Preschool age through Fifth Grade to join us for this exciting week.

J.A.M. (Jesus and Me)

Wednesdays 5-6:30 PM
4th & 5th Graders

J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) This group consists of 4th and 5th Graders.  They meet every Wednesday of each month during the school year from 5 PM-6 PM for Bible Study made fun with games and fellowship!