Zion will have a two hour late start on Friday, March 7. Doors will open at 10am. No morning care, no morning preschool class. Drive safe!
Zion will have a two hour late start on Friday, March 7. Doors will open at 10am. No morning care, no morning preschool class. Drive safe!
Season of Lent Worship Schedule (Website Banner size) (4)
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Knowing Jesus

Zion’s Knowing Jesus groups take care of the duties necessary for making worship services happen. These duties include (but are not limited to):

  • Acolytes
  • Alter Guild
  • Counters
  • Serving Donuts
  • Greeters
  • Music (bells, choir, organists, praise band)
  • Technology (sound, creating slides for worship services, running the slide show for worship service, video)
  • Ushers

Information including duties and contacts for each group can be found at the Groups board inside the church entrance.

Volunteers are always needed and very welcome in our Knowing Jesus groups! To participate in or learn more about any of the duties in our Knowing Jesus groups, please call or email the church office!  

Call: (605) 342-5749