Season of Lent Worship Schedule (Website Banner size) (4)
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First Time

Going anywhere for the first time can be an intimidating experience, especially when you don’t know much about the place where you’re going. The questions and answers below are designed to help first-time visitors feel more comfortable at Zion Lutheran Church & School by giving you information about what to expect.

Where is Zion?

Find us on Google Maps!

Where do I park?

There are two parking areas. (1) The small parking lot at the front is for visitors and elderly. (2) The main parking lot is the larger lot in front. Should both lots be full we open up the field under the water tower for parking.

What should I wear?

Keeping in mind that you’re coming to worship God, you’re welcome to wear what you feel is appropriate for entering the Lord’s house. You’ll find people wearing anything from a shirt and tie to T-shirt and shorts at the various services at Zion Lutheran Church and School.​

Is there child care available?

We encourage children to be present in worship! While there is a cry room with toys available at the rear of the Worship Center, we encourage children to be involved in the worship service with their families. If you do need to use the cry room, sound has been channeled so that parents and children may continue to be involved in the worship service. We also have a special Children’s Message during our service, where children are invited to gather at the altar/chancel area to participate.

Will there be people like me?

Zion Lutheran Church & School is a cross section of all kinds of people. Jesus said in John 12:32, “And I, when I am lifted up, will draw all people to myself.” Jesus has indeed drawn all kinds of people to himself at Zion Lutheran Church & School. You’ll meet people from every age group. Sermons are designed to address people who are beginning in their faith as well as long-time believers.

It’s possible to look around the church and see people like you. An even better way to get to know people like you is to join a small group at Zion Lutheran Church & School. Check out our monthly newsletter for Small Groups you can join.

What style of service and kind of music should I expect?

5:30 PM Saturday and 8 AM Sunday are traditional worship services. The style of liturgy is similar to many Lutheran churches, containing elements of worship such as Confession and Absolution, three Scripture readings, and the Creed. Music is hymns led by organ or piano. Worshipers participate by following the order of service in printed bulletins and the hymnal.

10:45 AM Sunday is structured like a liturgical service, but music is often led by a band comprised of guitars, drums, keyboard, and singers.

How do I become a member?

Having a sense of belonging is important in life. God made man not to live in isolation but to be in community and to share the joys of walking together in our Christian faith with other believers. But why would a person want to become a member of Zion Lutheran Church & School? What’s the difference between being a member and simply attending church without joining? Membership has these advantages:

  • By having your contact information and a greater knowledge of who you are, the church will be able to more effectively minister to you during times of spiritual crisis, such as hospitalizations or the death of a loved one.
  • You’ll be listed in the directory.
  • You’ll be on the calling list of our lay ministers, who work with the Pastor to provide for the spiritual well-being of the congregation.
  • You’ll be committing to be a part of something larger than yourself.

Zion has a yearly new member class held in the fall. Contact Pastor Meadows for more information.