Season of Lent Worship Schedule (Website Banner size) (4)
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We are Zion Lutheran Church, School, and Preschool – an outstanding school overlooking Rapid City just off of Mount Rushmore Road. Here you will find a dedicated and talented team of staff, hard-working and engaging students along with supportive and proud parents. Together we are a team!

At Zion Lutheran School, we are committed to growth, relationships, and service that are rooted in the hope we have been given through Jesus Christ. Our culture, our curriculum, our outcomes are intentional for the glory of God.

Our students, from preschool through 5th grade, are at the heart of all that we do. We provide an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum to inspire and motivate our students with opportunities to promote independence, learn life-long skills and establish goals and aspirations for the future.

We equip our students within a caring and nurturing environment with the skills to be good citizens, respect others and face the ever-changing demands of society and the world at large with confidence.

School Drop-off and Pick-up

During drop-off and pick-up times, please follow the prescribed traffic pattern, both for student safety and to keep traffic running efficiently. (See Parking Lot Safety below.) Preschoolers must be picked up inside the school. Students in other grades may be picked up outside the main entrance.

Student Safety

Zion Lutheran School and Preschool strives to provide a safe environment for all children.  As a result, we continue to implement important policies:

Allergy Policy: Zion Lutheran School and Preschool keeps policies on file for students with life-threatening allergies, as well as food allergies. Policies address staff awareness of individual needs, necessary curricular and procedural modifications, and emergency plans. To view or request a copy of this policy, please see Ms. Lindsay in the school office or talk to Principal Ann Solinsky.

Background Checks: Volunteers whose roles involve one-on-one contact with any student must submit to a background check per the Board of Education policy prior to performing the volunteer work. Documentation to complete the background check is available through Principal Ann Solinsky and Ms. Lindsay, School Secretary. The background check fee is $10.

Parking Lot Safety: You may use the drive-through lane to drop children off before school. Then circle to the left and exit through the back of the parking lot. If you intend to walk children into the school rather than drop them off, please park in the main lot and walk with them across the drive-through lane.

After school, orange cones will block the drive-through lane. Please park in the main lot. Preschoolers must be picked up inside the school; students in other grades may be picked up outside the front entrance. Students waiting outside will be allowed to walk to their vehicles once the vehicles are parked. Students who are not picked up by 3:15 p.m. will be directed back inside for the After Care Program. Thank you for doing your part to keep our children safe and our traffic flow efficient!

Tuition Assistance

Every year, families and single-parent families needing financial assistance approach us as they strive to give their children a Christian Education. The Board of Christian Education approves tuition assistance for parents who are willing to volunteer time for the church or school, provided that they pay at least half of the tuition cost. See our list of ongoing volunteer opportunities for the church and school, or contact Mrs. Solinsky with questions.

Families may also apply for the South Dakota Partners in Education Scholarships. These scholarships are income based.  For more information or to apply, visit https://sdpartnersinedu.org/

Adopt A Student: Another way Zion supports its school families is by church members “adopting” a student by contributing to their tuition costs. If you would be willing to assist a student with a one-time or monthly gift, please contact the school office at 605-342-5749. Thank you for your prayerful consideration as we continue with Zion’s mission to Know Jesus, Grow in Faith and Serve in Love!

Fundraising Help: Did you know that you can assist with Zion Lutheran School and Preschools fundraising efforts simply by saving receipts and product codes from merchants you likely already visit frequently? Zion Lutheran School & Preschool collects grocery receipts via Family Fare’s Direct Your Dollars Program, collects product codes from Box Tops for Education and participates in Office Depot’s Give Back to Schools program.

In addition, Zion participates in the SCRIP Program. The SCRIP Program allows you to put money toward your child’s tuition or make donations to our church or school by purchasing gift cards from companies that you likely shop at on a regular basis. SCRIP Program forms are available in the office. To learn more about the SCRIP Program, talk to Miss Lindsay in the school office.

Every small effort to earn additional funds for the school helps to keep school tuition affordable for our families. Thank you for your help with this!