Season of Lent Worship Schedule (Website Banner size) (4)
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Women’s Ministry

Sunday Morning Women’s Bible Study

Sunday at 9:30 AM
Zion – 5th Grade classroom

Sunday Morning Women’s Bible Study meets each Sunday at 9:30 in the 5th Grade classroom.

Care Circle

Second Monday of each month at 9:00 AM

Care Circle meets the second Monday of each month at 9:00 AM at Zion

Dorcas Circle 

Tuesday Mornings at 10:30 AM
Zion Library

Dorcas Circle meets for sewing and Bible Study Tuesday mornings at 10:30 in the library.  Contact Cindy Purtell or the church office for more information.


Monthly on a Saturday morning.
Contact the Zion Office for more information.

Lutheran Women Missionary League

The LWML Focuses on congregational, local, national, and international missions.

The second Sunday of each month is Mite Box Sunday with all proceeds brought in being divided 75% to District Mission Projects and 25% to International Mission Projects and administration.

Each October a “No-Bake Bake Sale” is held with proceeds being divided between monetary gifts for Zion students in Synodical schools, for Zion’s “Adopt-A-Student” and other local needs.

A Women’s Retreat is sponsored by the LWML each fall.  The emphasis is on Bible Studies and a hands-on mission project.